Poor Mercy can't seem to shake all this. So the pooh factor is going--mostly. Actually, ironically, she hasn't made a dirty diaper since yesterday morning before we went to see the Dr. I don't know if she was all out and needed to restock or maybe we gave her too many Cheese Puffs at the Dr.'s suggestion. Her belly does seem to be bothering her a bit which is kinda sad since there's nothing I can really do about it. Hopefully she'll sleep well tonight so that I can, but somehow I'm not counting on it. I slept awful last night and woke up with a head/neckache. I couldn't take Mercy to MDO wouldn't you know cause even though she is 24 hours free of her dirty diapers, she now has a fever. She ran a fever all day today even with the aide of tylenol and ibprofen. Poor girl. she only seemed a little fussy about it all. It was most noticable during nap time. I don't think she got much of a nap cause she seemed unable to get comfortable. She acted like I do when I have a splitting headache.
Daddy daughter night was tonight and not a moment too soon. I've needed a break so bad. They weren't really gone long at all, but just long enough for me to enjoy a fabulous salad with chicken strips, oranges, tomatos, celery, and carrots. Then I got a little laundry done and finally dried mercy's "binky." I got her clothes put up and her room put back together after having had company last weekend, so that was nice to actually get something done around here. Actually, I started off the morning determined to get the kitchen clean and I did. It took me at least an hour, but Mercy didn't seem to mind too much. Tomorrow is Friday, so hopefully it will be as good as it sounds.
Those of you wondering if I made it through today without crying or feeling depressed, the answer is NO. Sorry, probably won't have a day without that for awhile, but help is on the way. I think it could just about only get better from here. Thanks to all for your prayers and encouragement. I need and cherish it.
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