Thursday, April 03, 2008

Pregnant Brain

Here are some things that I have noticed this time around that I didn't notice, or maybe didn't experience, the first time around.

1. The many, many weird dreams! I had one last time that was so intense I woke up sobbing (hubs didn't even wake up!) This time I have 3-4 in a night (or nap) and they too are intense and slightly realistic--meaning they always involve real people, but the scenarios are less realistic

2. I feel huge like I'm carrying a large rock in my womb (especially by the end of the day)...AND I have almost 3 months left!

3. I have far less patience than usual, or maybe my threshold is lesser of something.

4. Once I reach the threshold I have a difficult time containing my true feelings.

5. I have a good bit of nesting instinct but not enough energy to make it happen

6. Apparently, laughter and tears seem to go hand in hand. It seems I get teary at random times...if I'm talking about anything personal at all.

7. I'm back to having no idea what to eat!

8. Love to feel the boy wiggling in there, but even though he feels huge to me they say i'm measuring under! How?!

9. I want a house to fit my family in (which isn't going to happen now at least), and Jason wants an excursion to fit our family (which isn't going to happen ever! ha!)

10. My hubs thinks I'm a hot pregnant woman and sometimes, I think so too!


It's a Mom Thing said...

Probably b/c I haven't seen you in a few weeks, but I definitely noticed that baby bump yesterday. I think you look great!

And I say Ditto to feeling like I have a rock inside my womb. Sweeping, mopping, and otherwise leaning over makes my back ache something fierce. And I feel like this little dude is already huge compared to how I felt with T$.

So ready for the next six weeks to fly by.

Shelby said...

Girl, I had some CRAZY, intense dreams when I was pregnant with Stone. They were so real-like too! And you know how big I got with him.. I felt like the whale who swallowed Jonah! You're not even close to being as big as I was, and you look GREAT! Hang in there!

Shelby said...

Girl, I had some CRAZY, intense dreams when I was pregnant with Stone. They were so real-like too! And you know how big I got with him.. I felt like the whale who swallowed Jonah! You're not even close to being as big as I was, and you look GREAT! Hang in there!

kathylovemeyer said...

Oh, honey, you are so precious:)Hang in will have a whole other list of different things after this little one arrives this next time around too:)
love you, kathylove

Caroline said...

Oh, the dreams!!! You know, I still have super weird dreams 6 months after S was born. Maybe it's the breastfeeding:)