Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Even though I know it was just days ago that I wrote, it seems like ages. I actually commented on another person's blog about how their life seemed to move a lot faster than mine, and sure enough the momentum in my own life has begun to pick up. Not that I've figured out which direction I'm headed ! ha !

My lasagna for Mother's Day was a big success! I have decided that I never wish to have another Mother's Day like that again. I barely even noticed it was my day, and it was my first one. I got 5 1/2 hours sleep trying to get the baby bag ready for nursery, the presents wrapped and cards created, and the food ready. Then I had to prep the lasagna at 6am so that it could slow cook while we were at church for baby dedication. Mercy was a hit at dedication. She looked like a magazine add or something. Of course, I can't forget how adorable my nephew was also. However, my unsolicited opinion is that if I had a boy I would put him in one of those handmade, heirloom, froo-froo things. He would only be so little for so long. I know that whole subject is as touchy a debate as politics!

The large 15 person gathering was not bad. Everyone was on their best behavior, or as best as can be expected! There were a few negative comments here and there, a lot of over-eating, but for the most part it was pleasant. My lasagna was so good it reminded me of my mother's, and my sister-in-law's cake was not only beautiful, but tasted fabulous too. It created quite a buzz which should drum up some business for her.

The best part was a reward, a gift if you will, for me from my daughter, Mercy. She is just a hair over 10 months old and she took her first steps that day! Happy Mother's Day to me!