Saturday, February 24, 2007

The !Sucker! Incident

Been meaning to post this for a while now. After a fall with a half eaten !sucker! M* needed a bath in the middle of the day. She was so ill about it that she waved it around and around trying to bat it out of her hair. Needless to say that only made things worse!


It's a Mom Thing said...

That is pitiful. Bless her heart! Did you get it out or have to cut the hair?

Gini (Hallquist) Young said...

Warm water melted it right out. Good thing it wasn't gum! Definitely would have had some hair missing!

Anonymous said...

sad that I giggled at that pic good monday morning relief--

Anonymous said...

That is about the most precious picture I have ever seen! Bless her!

Anonymous said...

That is about the most precious picture I have ever seen! Bless her!