I heard the noise, but thought it was something else. Sure enough when I went to check on dinner, with M* on my heels I spotted it. I stopped in my tracks and said, "Who could have done this?" She didn't do or say anything, so I asked again. Then she started crying. Amazing that children know what they should and shouldn't do. Even at 20 months. I picked her up and told her she knows that this is not acceptable and that I would have to "scold" her. Mr. Sad Spoon took care of it. I think she was sad just knowing that she had disappointed me. I told her I was going to have to clean up the crayon mess. To which was said, "Cleamup?" And so I asked, "Can you help mommy do it?" And so we did it "together". Wipes didn't work, but Mr. Clean is a Crayon Catastrophe Lifesaver!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Color Catastrophe
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Filling in the Gaps
I'm no longer the worst blogger ever. There is still alot for me to learn, and I realize some of my pics displaced stuff, but I just wanted ya'll to know that I filled in the last 3 months worth of pics. It sounds overwhelming, but it really isn't. Just check out December and January in my archives, and be sure to scroll around in February to make sure you didn't miss anything. Enjoy!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 11:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: updates
The !Sucker! Incident
Been meaning to post this for a while now. After a fall with a half eaten !sucker! M* needed a bath in the middle of the day. She was so ill about it that she waved it around and around trying to bat it out of her hair. Needless to say that only made things worse!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 10:44 PM 5 comments
*M's* first Pics
M* took the camera hostage for a bit today. Luckily, it did not ensue much damage and we were able to reclaim it with enough distraction to cause a minimal meltdown. Here are the results of her first "shoot".
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 10:36 PM 2 comments
Bloons and Co-Cakes
You must re-read the above title and pronounce it with a thick southern drawl and a slight lisp. Here is the first of several pic posts with *Miss* M* in them. Enjoy. And thank you Aunt Shebby for the "blue" co-cakes. They were a hit. sorta dreading tomorrow when *M* asks for them and they aren't there.
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: frivolity
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Good Laugh
It finally happened. I got an out and out condescended laugh/snort from the teller in the check out line today at the home goods store. I had chosen to purchase a very eclectic something for someone who reads my blog so I can not say too much. It was on clearance more than 75% off. There was a matching one of these eclectic items only made slightly bigger and because of their large discount I was tempted to buy them both and give them as separate gifts. The larger one was more expensive (of course use that word in its context noting that it too was at more than 75% off). After milling around the remainder of the store with two other gals, I decided I would only get the one (less expensive one), save the money, save the space (mine for storing till gift giving time, and the receivers since the item is of a decent size as it is). The gift by itself is great! Being more than 75% off means it came with a scratch and a dent here and there, but nothing a little paint can't make seemingly unnoticeable.
I get up to the counter and hassle the clerk about another clearance item that is broken and would involve a major gluing task, but was cuter than the non-broken clearance one. I wanted to see if they would mark it down any further since the one that was broken was marked the same as the one that wasn't broken. They turned me down, so I didn't get that item. So, she only had this gift to ring up. She looked at me inquisitively and asked, "wasn't there another one just like this over there?" Too which I replied, "Yes, but it cost more ($3 more mind you)." That's when I heard it...the laugh/snort. I finally heard what I fear from most cashier clerks! It was sort of a relief because my suspicions have been verified and now they can be laid to rest! Apparently, some people do think I'm crazy, cheap, or an over-the-top bargain hunter!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 2:27 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 17, 2007
First Day of Shopping and Saving
Those of you who know me, know that I am and have always been a bargain shopper, but this new "Coupon Coop" (hehe) takes it to a whole new level! I took a pic of my purchases today so that I can post it tomorrow so look for that. But, I have never been on such a delightful shopping extravaganza. I'll explain. I went to Walgreens and Ingles today because their weeks run from Sunday to Saturday. At Walgreens I shopped the list (grocery game) and of course had to check out the after valentine's day sale, as well as a ream of paper that I needed desperately, and a few little $2 gifts to stash away for Mercy and Stone on their birthdays! I had trouble at first finding everything that I wanted. They weren't where they should have been, but a very kind employee who spotted me wandering and looking slightly confused offered her assistance. She didn 't even seem slightly perturbed when I sought her out two more times.
I had noticed that the store manager and another manager that came across as being even higher up than the store manager were talking about sales, promotion, and such as they were redoing an isle for Easter. On my way to the check out counter I let them both know what a terrific employee she was. They seemed thrilled, and she (the employee) told me bye with a big smile, so the word must have made it to her quickly! That just made the shopping experience ten times better. I felt light and carefree almost.
As if that alone didn't make for a great first day of shopping and saving, I also went to Ingles. I followed the list nearly exclusively with the exception of fabric softner which I was totally out of. I actually found one that was only $1 and didn't smell like a moth ball had been dropped into the mix!
When I got home, I took a pic of all I got and then sat down and figured up how much I spent, saved, and the percentage. Here are the results:
The total cost was right at $40.00 (give or take a few cents). It's original total value was right at $123.50. My savings percentage was 67.5%!!! Can't wait to go for Bi-Lo and Publix! And I can't wait to post a pic!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Heart Day!
Onions, Onions, Good for your heart
The more you eat them, the more...
So for the first time in a VERY long time my husband, who is allergic to onions, splurged and had onion rings with lunch. Not only was it easily noticeable on his breath when he kissed me for Valentine's Day, but the gas is so fiercely loud and atrosciously smelly! All I can say is ... good thing we are really celebrating Love Day on Sunday evening. Maybe his allergy will have worn off by now!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 10:27 PM 4 comments
Coupon Coop
Today I started gathering the hens for the newly imagined and hopefully soon established Coupon Co-op. I passed around a sign up sheet that said Coupon Coop, and in all actuality I did realize it came out that way, I just thought it was kind of cute and amusing...and sort of "me".
This should be a really exciting new venture for a lot of us. Hopefully, it will prove to be a money saving venture as well. In the next few weeks, we mothers will be getting together for coupon clipping and money saving advice (and lunch of course with all the kids in tow). I plan on putting together a packet of info and maybe (if I'm nice) I'll pick up some of those organizers in the dollar bins at target for everyone. Then I think I'll open the floor for suggestions on how often to meet and those who may want to lead a session on a certain money saving topic.
The asset that sent this "Coop" into full blown frenzy was the two websites that my mom and I recently found. The first is called the Grocery Game. This lovely lady does all of the really hard work for you...matching coupons with your local grocery sales and telling you what is at its rock bottom prices and what is priced well for stock piling. The second site is a site called Coupon clippers. This is a pastors family WAHM business. They do the clipping and where you can not legally sell coupons for money, you can charge a handling fee for the clipping and mailing and such. It is minimal and you can get multiples of certain coupons that you use frequently. This is especially good for stockpiling. Plus, you are giving business and money to this well deserving family.
My mom and I are extremely excited and I'm sure we will periodically report back our savings!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 10:11 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Clearance and Coupons
I'm a bargain hunter at heart; out of necessity and out of pleasure. Someone recently described it as my "high" or my "crack". Well, I certainly don't condone that, and like any other "habit" it can be a bad one if not kept in check. Need vs. Want...Need vs. Want. That's my Dave Ramsey mantra. Still, like dieting there are going to be times when that Chocolate Molten Lava with Ice Cream for only $1 more gets the better of you. At least at those times, you've got your bargaining principles in line to make the backsliding less harmful.
Today some of my wants overtook my needs at Goody's. Of course, though I cannot blame my lack of self discipline on my mother, our favorite hobby does tend to be shopping. Here was the loot we came away with. I got my Easter dress for 9.88 (originally $70), a very trendy, sassy, U.S. Polo blue jean jacket for 11.98 (originally $44), a black and a brown pair of my favorite wedge shoes 9.98 each (originally $35), a beautiful black velvet Duck Head jacket for 6.38 (originally $60), and 4 other tops, a pair of earrings (these I needed cause my others broke(and they were 1/2 off)), and a pair of black leggings with tiny white polka dots. All in all, I spent almost $72, BUT it was all worth three bucks shy of $400!!!
Using a 20% off coupon for the entire purchase and only shopping the clearance items, I was able to purchase my clothes at an average of about 83% off! Brand new! On the rack! Tags on!
Moral of the story..."Even still...never go shopping with your mother when you're hungry."
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 8:55 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 05, 2007
Worst Blogger Ever!
Hah! OK. Here in South Carolina, blogging is no new thing for these Mommys! I am soooo far behind it's not even funny! I've been told that for starters the name of my blog is totally uncreative. Then, the fact that I rarely post pics is because I barely have a clue how to do it and have to elicit help from my computer geek hubby. Then!!!! Some of my new found friends put video clips on theirs! I want to do that! I have been taking pics all week to put on the blog. Last Wednesday it snowed and I took pics to post, but haven't sat Jason down to help me do it. I had a productive thrift shop-a-thon, the results of which I photographed to post, but still haven't sat Jason down to help me do it. I took a video clip of Mercy and her daddy engrossed in her new computer favorite, the dancing banana singing Peanut Butter Jelly Time...just for the blog and yet I have no clue how to put it on. Ladies...I think I need a private tutorial! I'll trade, singing lessons or tightwad tips for blogging aide!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 9:24 PM 6 comments
Friday, February 02, 2007
And We Get It
No, this post is not about SunCom or Harry Connick Jr. We got the job! Jason had his 2nd interview with a local family owned company. They are a very good company apparently, so word of mouth around here tells us. The interview was superb! And we waited for the call. And it snowed...And no one went to work or school. And his last day doing contract work for his previous company came. And we had our taxes done. And finally, he called them and they filled him in that he got the job, it pays the same as his previous one (which is great!), and they went through all the nitty grittys...the perks, the responsibilities, etc. AND we are thrilled! He starts Feb. 15th.
Thank you all for your fervent prayers. There was never a doubt that God had this. He has always been faithful.
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 9:23 PM 3 comments