For those of you who don't know, I'm a "Katrina" survivor. If you search my blog and find my long story from last year's anniversary, you will see how far I've come AND how much we went through. This year I'm not sad. I had a few people ask me if I was o.k. and how it must be hard to think back. But I discovered that though I do miss the simplicity of the life we had there in New Orleans--AND--the people we had fallen in love with! When I look back, I now think happy thoughts. Gratitude for having enjoyed that time, those people, that life.
God was so good to allow my family to have that experience and though I find myself missing the idea of it as a whole, I do not wish to go back. I wish to continue forward. God has continued my path in this direction for whatever reason and I can't wait to have it revealed one turn at a time. I prefer to think happy thoughts on the 29th of August and happy birthday on the 31st!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
2nd Anniversary Katrina
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 9:35 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Nani's Beauty Parlor
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 9:16 PM 1 comments
Break Mommy's Heart!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 9:08 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Back to High School
1. Who was your best friend?
Depended on the year...I moved senior year! Previously, my BFF in A.T.L was Meggie Lowe. We were two peas in a pod at church even thought she was a year younger than me and we went to two totally different schools. Two other BFF's at school were Clara Kim and Joanna Vaughters. They dissected the art of creating the perfect packable sandwich!
In B'ham, my BFF was Robin Taylor. A little crazy, or maybe alot, but I couldn't help but be drawn to that personality!
2. Did you play any sports?
I did cheerleading in 10th grade till I found out it really is like they say.
3. What kind of car did you drive?
When I finally was allowed to drive, it was the majorly handed down blue Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera don't remember what year, but OLD
4. It’s Friday night. Where were you?
likely on a date with some musician type
5. Were you a party animal?
Not in the respect that you likely think of immediately, but know that there was rarely a dull moment with me around
6. Were you considered a flirt?
7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir?
both band and choir
8. Were you a nerd?
9. Were you ever suspended or expelled?
10. Can you sing the fight song?
11. Who was your favorite teacher?
Have a horrid memory! I know I loved my AP history teacher in 11th grade. I can see her in my mind's eye.
12. What was your school mascot?
Dunwoody Wildcats and Vestavia Hills Rebels
13. Did you go to the Prom?
Did I go to the prom??? Uh yeah THREE times! Ha ha!
14. If you could go back, would you?
You could NOT pay me enough money to go back to high school!
15. What do you remember most about graduation?
Remember the organizer she was like the graduation Nazi! Geez!
16. Where were you on Senior Skip Day?
At school. I didn't have much of an option. My mom found out about it and made sure I knew there was no skipping
17. Did you have a job your senior year?
Express (clothing store)
18. Where did you go most often for lunch?
Senior Patio
19. Have you gained weight since then?
Yes, but who hasn’t since high school?!
20. What did you do after graduation?
Went to Samford University!
21. What year did you graduate?
22. Who was your Senior Prom Date?
Alex Winston (still have fond memories...of the guy...not the night thank you!)
23. Are you going/did you go to your 10 year reunion?
I'll be so close, but I still can't go! made a commitment to go to my niece's first b-day! I do wish I could go. It's a great place to do vacation!
24. What is your biggest regret in high school?
Not figuring out who I was until summer between 10th and 11th grade! Still, not too many regrets.
Okay … now you jump in and tell me about you in high school!!
I smell a meme! You're it: Beth, Miriam, Kendra, Shelby, MinnahPosted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Works for Me Wednesday!
So they say necessity is the mother of invention. I would definitely agree! I forgot my bib when at a nice restaurant for an after church lunch. Seeing as M was wearing white and her back-up outfit was also white...AND we had ordered spaghetti! She just turned two, so I stripped her dress off and took two cloth napkins, tied them together at two points making a hole for her head and just slipped it on! It was an ingenious moment.
I'm sure you don't have to get you child clothing-less in order for this to be effective!
Also, you could take one of those sticky table topper place mat things and finagle it into a bib. Course if you can remember one of those, you should be able to remember a bib! ha!
I forget bibs all the time!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 06, 2007
Well, as cliche as it sounds...everyone that gave me a suggestion is a winner, cause I have greatly depleted my chicken finger supply! Only half a bag left!
I had trouble choosing! As far as ease goes and yum factor, I loved the salad way. There are so many ways you can go with that as far as various toppings and dressings! It's just so good. Now, as far as taste! BiG Taste...that was the chicken fried chicken suggestion! THat was a big hit across the board! It took more work, but was so yummy!
So, since there is a tie, then there are two winners! Horray for Kendra at Tres Alejandros and Nico at NicoWorld!
I will be mailing out a goody pack on Thursday to Nico provided I get your contact information. Also for your sewing center order...
Kendra I will contact you personally since I know you. feel free to contact me if you like. You too get a custom something from my sewing center.
Yeah! Winners!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Hallelujah. #2 has made it in the potty. Clearly this is a small step because M is still "scared" of the whole #2 in the potty concept. But her being so bright and verbal has made for interesting new conversation! She told the man at the cash register today that she made a brown poo-poo in the potty today! Alright! Well, at least it was brown. How much more interesting would it have made things had she given it another color?!
A humongous step in the right direction, but a long way to go in this arena. Still I'm very proud of my little one. She even went on the "big potty" in nursery last night. She's go step #1 down. She still has accidents, but that's pretty normal. One uncontrollable one today. She tried, she really did. She just waited too late.
This adds a whole new dimension to doing things out though. In some ways I can see how convenient the diaper is! Today at ALDI, she told me she needed to go on the potty. I didn't even know if they had a restroom. Thank goodness for pull-ups, cause they had one, but I didn't find it quickly. We sat on it anyway. It's a memory training thing.
Just sharing the good news!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 3:24 PM 2 comments
Labels: Potty training
Chicken Fried Chicken
Last night we tried the "Chicken Fried Chicken" recipe suggested by Kendra at Tres Alejandros. My husband ate it up! I'm actually amazed! It was actually quite good. I made sweet tea (a treat cause I always just forget to make it), rice and white breakfast type gravy, and green beans. I wanted to make biscuits or rolls, but ran out of town as we had choir last night. Big spread of rice with the chicken nugget/fingers on top, and pour the white gravy over it all. Pretty darn good!
Yes, Miriam, I added your b'fast burrito to the list! gonna make in on Saturday morn while hubs is here to enjoy it. I wanna make Kendra's suggestion tomorrow or Sunday am with the sister schubert rolls. I saved some gravy for that very recipe. Gotta get the sister schuberts today at the store.
So the contest is winding down. We've done the Chicken parmesian thing before, but we may try it again just for refreshing. I'm going to sort through the recipes and make sure that we've tried them all and then post my decision! Look for it Monday! Hopefully I will be through with all those breaded nuggets! Ugh. At least this month there weren't any listed on the Angel Food order form. Hallelujah!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 8:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: Contest Update
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Been out with the Flu
Lovely beginning to my week...I go the flu. Stomach flu that I acquired from working in the nursery, or just food poisoning from the Mexi restaurant I ate at Sunday night. Not sure, but I'm glad that's over. My mom was generous enough to take me to her house and "nurse" me back to health.
Yesterday, feeling significantly better and it being my day off from keeping Cuz, I tried to take care of a few overdue things on my list. I went to the store and got a new microwave. Ours has been smoking. (There are some things worth buying new.) I got M some "big girl panties" and training pants! And me some long overdue undergarments as well--what a special treat! (And like I said, LONG OVERDUE!)
August is no eating out month. Now we aren't being too stringent, but it is a principle that we are trying to reset in our brains. July we ate out way too often. In fact, to celebrate the end of our eating our rampage we went out to eat last night! Ha! I was still trying to recuperate from my flu, so Hubs, M, and I went to Panera and used our coupons to have something light (and for the Chicken Noodle soup!)
After eating out we went to Target! I haven't been just for fun in a long time! I used quite a bit of self control and only managed to buy M one pair of shoes and myself one pair of shoes...on clearance of course! was then and there that I decided that this is the store I want my b-day giftcard from. What fun! So I told Jason of course.
And on that note, we have reached the beginning of my birthday month! Yippee! Only 30 more days.
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 7:28 AM 3 comments
Contest Ends
The "What to do with all these Chicken Fingers" Contest is officially closed. I have tried numerous recipes. I still have a few to try, so I will finish that up this week and announce the winner on Monday! Can't wait! I have quite a package put together...And for your personal sewing options...I'll have to get the winner's "order!" My camera is really acting up, so if I post anymore pics (food or otherwise) it'll be via camera phone!
Posted by Gini (Hallquist) Young at 7:25 AM 2 comments
Labels: Contest Update